We will be posting regular updates here. Please check regularly. Beginning Tuesday, November 25, updates will appear here daily at 7 a.m., noon and 4 p.m. Central Standard Time. Please check back regularly.
Update 7 a.m. Nov. 20, 2014
What’s happening on and around campus: No activity on campus Important information for faculty, staff, students: No immediate action needed. Opportunities to engage: Noon, DUC Rm. 276: Brown Bag Lunch Discussion “The Dynamics of Communication: Better Listening, Better Understanding” hosted by Campus Diversity Collaborative External sources for news: For general information about what’s happening in […]
Noon Update, November 26, 2014
This will be the last regular update unless the situation in the St. Louis region warrants a return to the schedule.
7 a.m. Update, November 26, 2014
Regular campus update.
4 p.m. Update, November 25, 2014
Regular campus update.
Noon Update, November 25, 2014
Regular campus update.
7 a.m. Update, November 25, 2014
Regular campus update.
Initial Update: Evening, November 24, 2014
The first regular campus update.
In the event of an emergency, information will be available on emergency.wustl.edu.