Session I (1:15–2:15 p.m.)
The Environment of Change; Mattering and Its Impact on Black Males
Facilitated by Kyle R. Williams, Assistant Director of Student Conduct
Brown Lounge
The Unified Measurement of University Mattering (UMUM)- 15 scale is a tool established by Dr. Megan France to address the issues of mattering within a University. This instrument was utilized to inquire if the sense of mattering would have an influence on Black males intent to persist at a regional predominately White institution. The results of this study can be utilized to assist in addressing concerns of campuses as they look at ways to increase their retention. We will learn about the UMUM-15 scale and discuss its relevance to WashU and how we can work to address the concept of mattering as an institution.
Demo: WU Online Diversity Module
Facilitated by Diana Hill Mitchell, Associate Dean of the Graduate School
Goldfarb Hall 132
This session will provide a brief demonstration of the online diversity and inclusion training module the Graduate School developed for graduate students who assist with classroom instruction. There are three modules that address issues relevant to gender identity and sexual orientation, race/ ethnicity, and socioeconomic status. Each module includes a personal narrative from a graduate student, a vignette with different ending options, a roundtable discussion, and undergraduates sharing best practices for creating an inclusive classroom.
Sustaining Activism through Community
Facilitated by Ashley Kuykendall, MSW & MPH Candidate
Clark-Fox Forum
In an age where activism is almost necessary, one may begin to question how to sustain a life in academia, leadership and/ or industry while also engaging in meaningful and important justice work. Community support is key. Ask questions of this panel of leaders from the West County Community Action Network (WE CAN) as they discuss how multi-faceted and sustained efforts for racial justice in West St. Louis County have been pursued successfully for more than four years, largely due to the emphasis on community connection and the ways in which they support one another on the paths towards justice.
Still Standing: Grit, Perseverance and Resilience at Washington University
Facilitated by Hope Young, Program Coordinator for Diverse Communities in Campus Life and Travis Tucker, Assistant Director for Leadership and LGBTQIA Involvement
Hillman Hall 60 (Lower Level)
As new staff members of the university community, we were tasked to find ways of supporting and advocating for students of color and LGBTQ+ students, respectively, that happen to be involved in specific student organizations. In the short amount of time we have been employees within our office, we have seen and heard various perspectives of what it means to be a marginalized student at a time like today. Even with the numerous emotionally charged events that transpired during the Fall 2017 semester, students found themselves grappling with how to be resilient and thrive—not just survive. Throughout this presentation, the (names and) stories of two individuals connected to student life at WashU will be discussed—their journeys of getting here, their experiences on campus and what it means for them to persevere despite the many obstacles.
Session II (2:30–3:30 p.m.)
Practicing Resilience, Moment by Moment
Facilitated by Heather Rice, Assistant Dean in the College of Arts & Sciences and Jordan Worthington, MSW Candidate
Brown Lounge
Mindfulness refers to a state of nonjudgmental, present-focused awareness. A growing body of research suggests mindfulness-based practices can have a positive effect on mental health. Furthermore, studies have found a positive relationship between mindfulness and resilience. We will discuss current psychological research on mindfulness and provide attendees with ways to incorporate mindfulness practices into their daily life. Attendees will also be led through a guided meditation and asked to reflect on this experience.
Fostering a Growth Mindset to Support Students’ Sense of Belonging and Persistence
Facilitated by Beth Fisher, Director of Academic Services and Julia Johnson, Assistant Director of Academic Services
Clark-Fox Forum
This Teaching Center workshop will provide the opportunity to learn about research demonstrating that students’ perceptions of a growth-mindset environment can positively affect their sense of belonging and motivation to persist. We will also identify specific approaches that we can take, within and beyond the classroom, to promote a growth mindset to support continued learning and resilience.
Defiance: Resilient Women of Color
Facilitated by Shruti Desai, Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs at McKendree University
Hillman Hall 60 (Lower Level)
Resilience is a skill that is learned, not an innate characteristic. Individuals in the margins experience opportunities for resilience daily, but in some moments, they respond with resilience and others they succumb to the critical negative messaging. This presentation focuses on resilience and how a small group of women of color who serve upper-level administrators at predominantly White institutions demonstrates resilience. This presentation will delve into the knowledge, skills and environmental factors that affect resilience in these women.
Tools for Seeing and Unpacking Power and Privilege: Deconstructing Systems
Facilitated by Peter Hovmand, Professor of Practice, Social Work
Goldfarb Hall 132
Transgressions in the classroom, organizations and larger community along dimensions of power and privilege are often experienced and responded to as events despite the general recognition that there is an underlying system generating these events. Seeing how systems might be operating and identifying places to intervene can be a challenge without some visual tools for representing how power and privilege function in a social system. This interactive presentation introduces conventions of systems thinking and how to use the tools to identify/design places to intervene.